2019 marks our SIXTH year! Yes! Excited to be back…
Our 2016 version was bigger and better than ever! People heard about 2014 & 2015 and more and more people wanted to be a part. And we had time to organize them, so we had about 10 new porches.
Neighbors want to get to know each other, but we all lead such busy lives that it’s hard to find the time. A music festival on each other’s porches can be the perfect excuse to get out there and get to know each other.
Interested in hosting or performing? Please follow the instructions on our contact page. Thanks!
Check our Facebook page: Facebook.com/PorchFestWestCentral and also “like” and “share” all our posts so they show up in your feed.
Thanks for your interest – see ya on Saturday, Sept 19th, from 3-7pm!